Leadership Development — Governing, Leading & Managing the Future

Once you’ve defined your future, the organization needs to be able to rise to the occasion of making that become a reality. Leaders, managers and the governing body must all be aligned in order for the organization to be successful in achieving its goals for the future.


> Create accountability
> Engage stakeholders
> Set shared direction
> Steward resources

Governance is the process of providing strategic leadership. It entails the functions of setting direction, making policy and strategy decisions, overseeing and monitoring organizational performance, and ensuring overall accountability.

Having a capable, well-organized board is vital in helping an organization realize its potential value. We can assist in creating a board, or assessing your board’s structure, processes and practices to help move your board to the next level of performance.


> Focus
> Align
> Mobilize
> Inspire

Leading and Managing requires having the right people in the right seats. But that balance is rarely constant. At times, you may need to develop the skills of some, or, you may need to move some to another seat that better suits their skills.

Whether you’re the captain on a boat, or a leader in a company, it is the job of that leader to develop a vision, establish what matters and articulate why, set direction and inspire others. Great leaders possess dazzling social intelligence, a zest for change, and above all, a vision that allows them to set their sights on the things that truly merit attention. Not a bad skill set for the rest of us, either.


> Plan
> Organize
> Implement
> Monitor/evaluate

A simple traditional definition of management, defines it as the “art of getting things done by others”. And yes, it is an art. Managing human beings is one of the toughest jobs you will ever face. But when you have the right people with the right skillset in the right seats, managing becomes less complicated and can even be rewarding.

Developing talent is the key to succession planning and achieving your company’s vision. It’s about having the right crew on the boat, all working together to guide it in the same direction.

The Results

• A strong, focused and engaged board
• Better business performance
• Streamlined governance in privately-held 
or family-owned businesses
• Healthier company sustainability
• Better operational results
• Ability to better attract and retain talent
• Stronger employee performance
• Engaged employees

The Targeted Outcomes

• Growth – increase revenues/profits
• Increase market share
• Create a stronger competitive position
• Create the desired organizational focus
• Improve effectiveness
• Create better operational efficiency
• Higher market valuation – preparing to sell the company
• Succession
• Risk management
• Turnaround

Case Study: Clearing the Way for Increased Profits in a Family Business


The Situation

A family owned media company was being operated by all family member shareholders, even those not involved in management. Decision-making was cumbersome, strategic direction was lacking and revenues were declining.


The Results

Working with key family employees, Sekstant created a strategic path for the company that involved a new and clear organizational structure with appropriate roles and responsibilities. Decision-making became unobstructed; roles and accountability became clear. Through Sekstant’s Cross-Company Mentoring Services, the CEO was matched with a highly-experienced mentor for a one-year partnership, which, upon conclusion according to the Chair of the Board, “helped the CEO grow in his role immensely.” The company now operates much more smoothly, employees are happier and more engaged, and revenues and profit have increased considerably.

Need Help Developing Leaders in Your Organization?

Our cross-company mentoring services are a unique and cost-effective way to develop talent.